Tuesday, July 20, 2010

poor Salt

I have a theory about the movie Salt starring Angelina Jolie. I think it will bomb. Not because it's a bad movie, but because it looks like it could be a bad movie and because of when it's coming out. If it had come out a month ago, it would be a sure success, because there were NO good movies other than Toy Story 3, and I don't think the two would really compete with eachother. Now, however, it is coming out the week after Inception, which has killed in the box office and I think will probably do even better in its second week.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oliver Stone Collection

Okay, so I work at a movie store. Isn't that cool?! FYE on University Parkway in Orem.
Anyway, I see all sorts of great deals on movies all the time, so I think I'm going to start sharing them hear, and maybe if I get some followers they can take advantage of them.
Sadly the deal I got today is no longer available because we're out of the product, but I still had to share. I bought an Oliver Stone Collection with 13 of his biggest movies (including Platoon, Wall Street, and...well, 11 of his other biggest movies), and I got it for just $9.99!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Taylor Awards updated

Okay, so, I got all excited about reviving this blog, and yet I don't have anything at this moment in time to write about. So, I'm going to open things up with an updated list of The Taylor Awards. In case I haven't told you before, what they are is my personal picks for the best picture of each year, starting with the year I was born. Some earlier years I don't feel like I've seen enough movies in to make an educated decision, so the awards for those years are pending. Those years are currently filled mostly with animated films I grew up with, and honestly, I'm not sure that will change, because I loves me some good animation.

1990 - Edward Scissorhands
1991 - The Silence of the Lambs (pending)
1992 - Aladdin (pending)
1993 - The Nightmare Before Christmas (pending)
1994 - The Shawshank Redemption
1995 - Dead Man Walking
1996 - Fargo
1997 - Titanic
1998 - The Truman Show (pending)
1999 - American Beauty
2000 - Almost Famous
2001 - tie: Amelie; Moulin Rouge!
2002 - The Hours
2003 - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2005 - Brokeback Mountain
2006 - Little Children
2007 - Into the Wild
2008 - WALL-E
2009 - A Single Man


Okay, so I'm reviving this blog. Anytime I want to talk about movies, it's going to be here. It will be comprised of reviews, experiences, thoughts, and bursts of excitement about something. It will be better this time, trust me, and I will be better at updating it. Now I'm kind of glad I didn't really have followers.